Live Score Card of 8th IPL match Bangalore Royal Challengers v Deccan Chargers at Cape Town!
The 8th Indian Premier League Match is scheduled in between Bangalore Royal Challengers and Deccan Chargers at Cape Town on 22nd April, 2009.
Well, the clash of titans are not happening as much as of our liking. But surely the next match scheduled would give us immense pleasure if and only if the match takes place. The south african weather is always a factor when some organizer is organizing a cricket match.The IPL chief Lalit Modi should have taken that factor in to account when he moved from India to South Africa. Already three matches have been heavily affected by this rain and one match got washed away for the same reason. Now the fans and the cricket lovers who bought the tickets at high cost are in dilemma whether to buy for next ones or not.
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